Sheila Taurah


Name: Sheila Taurah
Position: Barrister
Year of Call: 1991

After being called in 1991, Sheila began practicing in family law in 1993 and has built up a diverse practice, accepting instructions in public and private law, divorce and ancillary relief proceedings, as well as injunctive relief. She is approachable and compassionate, and recognises that her clients are at their most vulnerable and emotional when at court or when they come to see her in conference.

Sheila will always advise her clients on the strengths and weaknesses of their case to ensure they have a realistic assessment of the possible outcome. As a trained mediator she is well placed to help achieve a negotiated settlement rather than have one imposed by the courts, but where settlement is not possible she is more than capable of robustly representing her clients in court.

Due to her own cultural background, she is aware of the particular difficulties experienced by clients from certain ethnic backgrounds, resulting from the cultural/religious and family implications of divorce/separation, and of the additional stresses this places upon them.

Public Law Children
Private Law Children
Matrimonial Finance
Direct Access


LL.B (Hons) Law: Staffordshire University

Accredited Mediator (2005),

Qualified to accept Direct Public Access Instructions (2010)

Professional Membership

Western Circuit

For further information regarding Sheila's practice or to check her availability, please do get in touch
Contact the Clerks