Serious Fraud

Queen Square Chambers specialises in complex cases of Serious Fraud. An increasing amount of our work involves allegations of serious financial wrongdoing. We are experts in investment fraud, tax fraud (both direct and indirect taxation), and fraud on public bodies including the NHS.


Chris Smyth


Charles Row KC


Robin Shellard


David Maunder - Head of Crime

Simon Goodman

Simon Goodman


Oliver Willmott


James Tucker

Leanne Woodman profile photo

Leanne Woodman

Our caseload has included London-based auction house fraud; foreign exchange investment fraud; a multi-million-pound pyramid promotional scheme; high-quantum Leeds-based fraud on NHS; defending lead defendant in 87-handed ‘cash-for-crash’ conspiracy; fraud against the Ministry of Defence; PAYE and National Insurance fraud; multi million pound mortgage fraud; probate fraud – working for prosecution agencies such as the SFO, HMRC and CPS Special Casework Division and defence.

Cases in this area include:

  • R v Z: instruction by national specialist Arms Brokering and Fraud prosecution team to prosecute historic tax fraud, the proceeds of which were used to fund shipping and property investments in Europe and East Africa.
  • R v D and four others: large-scale London-based fraud on auction houses.
  • R v X and others: Leeds-based multi-million fraud on the NHS.
  • R v P: foreign exchange investment fraud.
  • R v Y: 87-defendant insurance fraud.
  • R v F: fraud against the MOD with related mortgage fraud.
  • R v U: white-collar fraud by abuse of position by white-collar professionals, targeting elderly and vulnerable victims.
  • R v S and others: multi-million pound fraud against the EU and Welsh Government.

Further information in relation to fees and timescales can be found here.

To find our more about our serious fraud team or to request a quote please get in touch.
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