Andrew Stone


Name: Andrew Stone
Position: Barrister
Year of Call: 2011

Andrew Stone took tenancy after defending Death Row prisoners in Pakistan. He enjoys a busy Western Circuit practice with Criminal Law at its heart. Defending and prosecuting, Andrew has a broad portfolio that embraces Regulatory & Disciplinary Law as well as appearances in the Courts Martial and Coroners Court. He holds a long-term interest in Environmental Law.

Andrew’s criminal practice encompasses serious offences including rape, GBH, fraud and drugs importation. He has recently been successful in a long and complex multi-defendant trial concerning the theft and manufacture of illegal firearms on MOD premises. He successfully appealed against a manifestly excessive sentence in the Court of Appeal. Andrew has also appeared in an important case before the Administrative Court that clarified the extent to which public order offences can take place on private land (see DPP v JD [2017] EWHC 2244 (Admin)).

Described by judges as “always manifestly well prepared and in command of his brief”, with closing speeches “persuasive”, Andrew derives particular pleasure from supplementing oral advocacy with strong written submissions. Recent examples include arguing abuse of process where key evidence had been destroyed, an application to dismiss in the case of an autistic defendant accused of multiple burglaries, and challenges to restrictions of cross-examination of complainants in a multiple rape trial.

Criminal cases
Regulatory & Disciplinary
Courts Martial

Year of Call: 2011, Inner Temple

Sir Joseph Priestly Scholarship

Top overall performance on the BPTC at UWE

If you would like any further information about Andrew's practice or availability, please do get in touch
Contact the clerks