Public Access

Public Access enables you to instruct a Barrister directly to assist on your case without a Solicitor involved. This can be utilised to save costs or to access expertise when you need it.

Can I instruct a Public Access Barrister:

Not all cases are suitable for Public Access and not all barristers undertake cases in this form. To enquire whether we can assist please complete the enquiry form on the right-hand side of this page so that you can begin a dialogue with chambers. From this we will be able to find out what options might be available to you so please include as much detail about your case as possible. If we are able to assist, we will provide you with the names of Counsel and a fee estimate for their work. If you then wished to proceed, we will also need undertake some administration checks, including a money laundering check, and payment would need to be taken before any work is done.

If you feel able and confident to handle the administrative aspects of a dispute yourself, without hiring a Solicitor, then instructing a Barrister directly may be the right choice for you and your case.

What can a Public Access barrister do:

You can instruct a Barrister to advise in writing or in conference on the prospects of your case, or to attend court and represent you in a hearing. There are limitations however on what a Barrister is permitted to do to assist and when instructing on a Public Access basis, you are committing to taking on the role carried out by a solicitor yourself. This can include preparing and providing bundles and documents for hearing, liaising with the court, filing documents and other tasks. A Public Access Barrister is unable to conduct litigation.

The general process of instructing a Public Access barrister:

  1. Initial enquiry – Please fill out the form to the right with as much detail as possible
  2. If negative response – if case is not suitable for Public Access we may try to suggest a solicitor who can help. (usually within 24hrs)
  3. If positive response – we will email you with which Counsel we can offer to assist and a fee quote (usually within 24hrs)
  4. Agreement – if you agree to the fees set out, we will then send you a Client Care Letter. This details the terms of work and your right to cancel. This needs to be signed and agreed.
  5. Documentation – For money laundering purposes, we need to witness in person ID documents before we can accept instructions. This needs to be a photo ID and a utility bill or similar for proof of address. We will also require you to send us the bundle of paperwork relating to your case for preparation.
  6. Payment – payment needs to be made prior to work commencing. Without payment of fees, Counsel will not attend Court, conference, or begin written work
  7. Work – when the previous steps are completed, Counsel will begin work/ attend court and represent you
  8. Further work – if further work is required on your case, a separate agreement will be sent, and fee quoted for each piece of work carried out

The Bar Standards Board’s Public Access Guidance for Lay Clients can be found here.

Details as to which barristers are able to undertake Public Access work, as well as further information on timescales and costs, can be found below.


Chris Smyth

Charles Goodall profile photo

Charles Goodall


Robert Trevis


Sheila Taurah

Richard Carron Barrister

Richard Carron


Robin Shellard


Andrea Chute (Door Tenant)


Simon Goodman

Mark Williams barrister

Mark Williams


Hamish MacBean - Head of Chancery & Commercial


Oliver Willmott


James Tucker


James Bromige - Head of Employment

Adam Farhadian-Griffiths

Adam Griffiths

Mike Blitz

Mike Blitz


Anna Johns

Financial Remedy
Motoring Offences
Personal Injury
Private Law Children
Probate Inheritance Act
To find out more about Public Access please contact the clerks
Contact the Clerks