Training on abuse claims provided by Queen Square Chambers

Joanna Lewis, Christopher Taylor and Lauren Seager recently delivered training on abuse claims to a nationwide firm of solicitors.  The Personal Injury team here at Queen Square Chambers recognise that this is an area in which the number of enquiries and claims are growing.

Claims involving abuse can involve unique and complex problems such as evidential difficulties, limitation and identification of the correct defendant. They often involve vulnerable clients who require appropriate handling and compassionate understanding.

The need for expertise, careful management and proactivity is vital when running abuses cases. The team at QSC are able to offer both training and guidance to those who would like to develop a better understanding of how to manage, run and succeed in these claims.

Our training provided those who attended with a practical guide to running civil claims for compensation. This covered the importance of first encounters with clients, identifying the allegations, identifying who may be responsible and the potential defendant or defendants, gathering and assessing the evidence and quantum. We took an in-depth look at limitation in abuse cases recognising that it can amount to a complete defence and needs to be dealt with head on. We also explored the potential of using the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme as a last resort and the benefits and pitfalls of the current 2012 scheme.

Our training focused on the latest abuse cases as well as those with particular importance so that our trainees were forearmed.

If you feel that this training or training tailored to your requirements may be of use to you then please do get in touch with the clerks. The team at QSC is also happy to advise on abuse claims generally as well as assisting with specific queries and all aspects of personal injury claims.